Pengaruh Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal, Profitabilitas, Proporsi Dewan Komisaris Independen, dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Tax Avoidance

  • dania ervina ervina UNS
  • Trisninik Ratih Wulandari
Keywords: fiscal loss compensation, profitability, proportion of independen commissioner, tax avoidance, CETR


This study purposes to determine effect of fiscal loss  compensation, profitability, proportion of independent commissioners and  firm  size  to tax  avoidance as measured using CETR.  In this  study, populations used mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2015-2017, the research samples obtained amounted to 51 companies during the  period. The  statistical tool used in this  research is Eviews Vers 10 program in testing multiple linear  regression. The  results of this  study found that in mining companies the  proportion of  independent commissioners has a significant positive effect on tax  avoidance. Compensation of fiscal  loss  and  firm  size  have  a negative effect on tax avoidance, and profitability measured using ROA has no significant effect on tax avoidance.
